A-B52K Made With Aramid Blue V-Belt 5/8″ X 55″ Fits Dixie Chopper

A-B52K Made With Aramid Blue V-Belt 5/8″ X 55″ Fits Dixie Chopper

SKU PD.12972 B52K, MOB40-0074, 482140, LB54, L555, MXV5-550, MXV5550, R34129, S370, V5L0550, XHD5550 Category Tags ,

A-B52K Made With Aramid Blue V-Belt 5/8″ X 55″ Fits Dixie Chopper

One New Aftermarket Replacement Made With Aramid Blue V Belt Fits Toro Wheel Horse Riding Mower Model: GROUNDMASTER Also Fits Dixie Chopper Walk Behind Mower Models: LT2000-50 (Clutch Pump), RT2700-50 (Clutch Pump 2004-07 set/2) The Made With Aramid Blue V-Belt is an extra heavy duty belt constructed of organic polyamide fibers. The polyamide fibers are created by a complex chemical process. This process allows the Made With Aramid belts to have a high resistance to repeated reverse flexing, oil, heat and cracking. Made With Aramid belts also offer high tensile strength, non-extensibility, and high resistance to shock loads.
Depth: 13/32″ OC Length: 5/8″ X 55″ Top Width: 5/8″
Replaces Part Numbers: B52K, MOB40-0074, 482140, LB54, L555, MXV5-550, MXV5550, R34129, S370, V5L0550, XHD5550,

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